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You can still purchase a Sovereign Man: Confidential 12M Membership at our usual price.
Step 1: Download your free 
IRA - Threats & Solutions Report
You will learn exactly how your IRA works and what the 5 biggest threats are.

Once you understand this, you will learn how to turn your ordinary IRA into an EXTRAORDINARY IRA.
This will allow you to invest your retirement savings into precious metals, foreign real estate and other assets.
A personal message from Simon:
3 quick questions a responsible person asks himself when looking around and assessing the risk his family faces...
Any rational person will agree that there's something seriously wrong with the system we're currently living under in the West. 

And because of that, we have a responsibility to do what's necessary to protect our families and our hard-earned savings from the dangers of out-of-control governments.  

As you analyze your personal situation and consider the most prudent actions to take, here are a few of the most important questions we help our members answer to protect and grow their liberty and prosperity, no matter what happens next.

1. Are my savings stored in a SAFE jurisdiction and denominated in a strong, stable currency?
With most banks in the West holding as little as 3% of customer deposits, and gambling away the other 97% on risky investments...

With the US over 18 TRILLION ($18,000,000,000,000) in debt...

And with the rest of the world losing faith in the dollar and moving toward the Renminbi as the global reserve currency...

Any rational mind knows something has to give...

It's not a question of if, but WHEN. 

A smart move is to protect a portion of your hard-earned savings in a safe bank and strong currency overseas.

We'll show you exactly how we've helped our members do this in just a moment...

Next on the list...

2. Do I know WHERE to go and WHAT to do if I need to get my family out of Dodge, fast?

If your Plan B is missing this vital component, you're subject to your home government's ever-growing overreach. 

More rules and regulations. More executive orders.

More telling you what you can and cannot do. 

At this point, even martial law isn't out of the question.

The time to figure out where to go to protect your family isn't while you're packing your bags. 

And for people willing to protect themselves with solutions that make sense no matter what happens (even if nothing happens), there are some incredible opportunities out there, which we'll discuss in just a moment...


3. How can I responsibly protect and GROW my wealth without taking on tremendous risk?

While stocks are trading at nosebleed valuations...

And bonds are earning next-to-nothing, "backed" by nearly insolvent governments...

We're living in an incredibly risky financial environment. 

If you do nothing with your money other than save it, you'll actually LOSE it (due to inflation).

And if you put it into any traditional investment like stocks or bonds, the risk is enormous.

Yet, I want to be clear that this message is far from doom and gloom.

In fact, it's the opposite.

The people who are able to make more money (and keep more of it) are embracing unconventional, international opportunities...

Because, YES, there are still opportunities out there to earn 40%+ returns on your investments...

In fact...

Many of our members have earned 40%, 50%, even over 300% returns without gambling in an over-leveraged, manipulated stock market...

For example, while I realize there are all sorts of wild claims out there on the internet, take a look at this chart from the first quarter of this year:
What I’m showing you in this chart is that the members of our premium service Sovereign Man: Confidential (SMC) have more than TRIPLED their money with just one recommendation… and in less than three months.

You might be thinking—“That’s great. But it looks like I missed the boat. It already tripled.”

Sure, you already missed a lot of the upside on this particular investment. 

But our Chief Investment Strategist believes that there’s a lot of room left to profit from this trade. 

In fact, we think it could even double from here.

And, to be clear, that's just one recommendation. 

We recently had another recommendation go 4X (over 400%) in the last two weeks. 

Tracking down these opportunities for our members is what we do.


For smart, responsible people who are willing to break free from the status quo to protect themselves and their families with solutions that make sense no matter what happens next...

The opportunities are ABUNDANT

We share these opportunities and the exact steps to take advantage of them in our premium service, Sovereign Man Confidential.

Inside, we equip rational, responsible people with the tools and insights they need to make more money, keep more of it, and protect themselves from out-of-control, destructive governments. 

In fact...
Step 2: Read this message from Simon Black
3 Important Steps to Diversify, Protect and Grow your Assets Before The Next Financial Crisis
You have joined a community of responsible, self-reliant people who take their situation and future prosperity into their own hands.

They don’t just outsource it to some presidential candidate.

This self-reliance is the quality that first made the United States the most prosperous country in the world.

And even though taking personal responsibility is no longer the attitude of the majority...
There’s good news (and a huge opportunity) for people who are willing to take matters into their own hands.

The truth is, you can’t fix your bankrupt government...

You can’t make your politician moral...

You can’t even go and vote the bums out...

But what you can do is implement rational solutions to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

And in doing so, you can set yourself up to reap tremendous rewards.

I want to be clear: this isn’t unpatriotic.

It’s one of the most patriotic things you can do to ensure that no matter what happens - no matter how pitifully they drive the country into the ground - you're going to be in a position of strength.

In this article, we’re going to examine three strategies anyone can use to protect their freedom and assets and maintain a position of strength.

3 strategies with step-by-step instructions and vetted contact information to help you easily implement these strategies, some of which can be done from the comfort of your own home.

3 strategies that ensure you’ll have a nest egg that they can’t touch.

We can sum up these strategies with one key phrase...
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”

This saying is at the core of what we do at Sovereign Man.

Simply, it means don’t bet your whole life and future on one single country.

You don’t have to live, work, bank, invest, save for retirement, etc., all in the same country of your citizenship.

The world is a big place, and frankly, there are a lot better and safer places to store your savings than in an insolvent Western bank.

This brings us to the first strategy.

And I want to be clear:

Each of these strategies - when structured properly - are completely legal, entirely rational, and extremely intelligent.

They are the foundation of your Plan B.

Implementing just one of these will pay dividends in peace of mind and financial security.

The easiest way to get started with international diversification is...
Strategy 1: Protect a portion of your savings in a strong, well-capitalized foreign bank.

The easiest way to protect your assets and get started with international diversification is by establishing a foreign bank account.

If you follow the steps we outline, you can get started with this tonight.

Here’s why this is so important:

When you examine the financial system, it very quickly becomes clear that having 100% of your assets in one place isn’t the safest strategy.

It isn’t rational to have 100% of your wealth in a location and a currency where politicians and bankers have easy access to it.
  • Where your savings can be frozen at the whim of some bureaucrat.
  • Where they can confiscate a portion of your savings to “bail in” the bank.
  • Where they can impose capital controls to limit your withdrawals, (or worse)...
See, most major banks in the US and across Europe are poorly capitalized. In most cases, they hold less than 3% of customer deposits in cash.

That means if just 3% of customers went to the bank and withdrew their funds, these banks would be insolvent.

That paints an alarming picture - the banks we’ve grown up being told are trustworthy and safe (the same banks responsible for the Financial Crisis of 2008) are not the bastions of safety most people believe they are.

There are still a few good banks out there...IF you know where to look. 

We’ve established relationships with banks around the world in safe and reliable jurisdictions...banks that hold 10%, 25%, and in some cases over 50% of customer deposits in cash.

Banks that don’t gamble away customer deposits on risky lending...

Plus, in some cases these safe banks pay up to 5% interest (compared to the paltry 0.01% available in the US and the rest of the West).

So not only will you be protecting your hard-earned savings…

You could also reap the reward of a better interest rate.

...So if another financial shock hits the world and banks start to collapse (like in 2008) you’ll be okay.

And even if nothing bad happens, because of the higher interest you'll earn on your savings, this move still makes sense.

And you can compound the effectiveness of this strategy with...
Strategy 2: Diversify a portion of your savings into precious metals. 

I don’t have a crystal ball.
And I think it would be intellectually dishonest to tell you WHEN the next disaster will strike.

It could be 3 years. It could be 3 months. It could be next week...

See, if there’s one thing we’ve learned about our government, it’s that they may be horrible financial stewards...but they’re exceptional at kicking the can down the road and indebting future generations.

So what's a safe way to diversify your savings?

No matter what happens next, we think it’s prudent to have some physical cash on hand, along with precious metals.

Obviously, it's important to do what you feel comfortable with. A general rule of thumb is having a couple months of expenses in your home safe. 

We also recommend storing precious metals abroad in a trustworthy, safe facility in a strong jurisdiction.
Why precious metals?

Until 1971, US dollars were backed by gold (at least implicitly).

Since then, we’ve been watching the results of a 45 year experiment in “fiat currency”.

This 45 year experiment has led to massive inflation, worldwide debt, and is pushing the US government close to defaulting on the $18.8 trillion that they owe.

This experiment has clearly failed.

When the politicians admit that it has failed, it’s going to lead to some major changes in our banking institutions.

As Tim Price, a London based wealth manager says:

“Every unbacked paper currency in history has ultimately failed. The dollar will be no different. It’s only a matter of time."

Those who understand the intrinsic value of gold and other precious metals will be in a very advantageous position.

This doesn’t mean you should go out and buy as much gold as you can. It’s always important to be rational, and to take a measured approach.

However, it does mean it’s a good idea to diversify a portion of your savings into gold and silver. It’s an important part of a balanced portfolio.

Beyond that, we show our readers how to store their precious metals overseas in one of the safest storage facilities in the entire world.

That’s another strategy that makes sense no matter what.

And while we’re on that topic...
Strategy 3: Obtain foreign residency and a second passport:

We've discussed a few ways to secure your finances in order to eliminate your dependence on a single financial system or a single government. 

By making sure that you have more than one option in terms of where you earn, save, and invest, you have a de facto insurance policy against a variety of threats to your wealth—from recession to financial collapse, to government confiscation.

This is vital to achieving a greater degree of freedom and security in your life.

However, you don’t want to forget your most important asset of all—your physical self.

After all...

What good is it if your money is free, but you're not?

Just like with your finances, there is a way that you can insure yourself against threats to your personal freedom. 

This comes by obtaining second residency, and ultimately a second passport.
"The ultimate insurance policy..."

Though you might never need it… you’re going to be really glad that you have a second passport in case you ever do.

A second passport can be that ticket out from tyranny or oppression… safe passage for you and your family to a new place where the opportunities are better, safer, and brighter.

One of the key benefits of a second passport is that it opens you up to a world with greater travel, work, business, and investment opportunities.

Suddenly you have more countries in which you can reside, more countries in which you can pursue opportunities, more countries to explore without requiring a visa (or paying a fee).

This makes a second residency and second passport an excellent thing to have, even if nothing catastrophic actually happens in
your home country.

Of course...the potential for a catastrophic event can sometimes cause us to react emotionally, rather than respond logically. 

That's why it's critical to...
Address these risks with sensibility and reason, not panic. 

There’s no downside risk in ensuring that you don’t become a victim to such obvious financial or political dangers.

Because...let’s face it: 

There will be crisis at some point in the future. 

It may be natural. Or political. Or financial.

It may hit on a global scale. 

So in order to ensure your assets and freedom aren't on the chopping block...

You need to take control.

You need to be in a position of strength.

It’s entirely possible (and completely legal) to take steps to diversify yourself away from a broken system. 

This is another strategy that makes sense no matter what.

Even if the financial system miraculously improves, you will be better off because you’ll have access to much more lucrative opportunities.

The end result being you make more money, keep more of it, AND you'll be protected from your insolvent government.
What’s the most important action to take right now?

Getting started with a Plan B starts with education.

It starts with putting all the pieces together to make sure the solutions you implement are smart, legal, and right for you.

And right for YOU is the key.

Just because someone might have bank accounts in Hong Kong and the Cook Islands, companies in Estonia and the Marshall Islands, a brokerage account in Gibraltar, residency in Chile and Panama, and so on...doesn’t mean you need all of that to be free.

Frankly, the most important thing is to get started.

To know your options.

And then to take strategic, rational steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Set up properly, your Plan B will be your ultimate insurance policy.

It will give you options.

It will make you more free and more prosperous.
Your Plan B Checklist
Important strategies to consider when building your Plan B. 

A good Plan B has both defensive and offensive qualities:

On the defense side, we look at how to PROTECT you, your family, and your assets…

...things like foreign bank accounts, second residency (and a second passport), cash and precious metals in your home safe, a trust, estate planning, insurance, privacy, and security.

And for offense, we focus on GROWTH. 

Growth starts with financial education, then scales up into making smart value investments focused on capital preservation and reliable risk-adjusted returns.

That leads into taking advantage of strategic tax planning, and unique investment opportunities via a self-directed IRA. 

Then perhaps looking at investment opportunities overseas including real estate; private companies; and well-run, off-the-radar public companies.

There are of course many more options on both the offensive and defensive side of your Plan B, but it's important to stay focused and implement strategically, starting with a solid foundation.

What's YOUR foundation? 

What ensures you and your loved ones are set up to not only survive, but also THRIVE...no matter what happens next?
The opportunity to take advantage of before it’s too late:

As much as it seems like the politicians are trying, the world isn’t coming to an end.

It’s just changing.

Those who understand how it’s changing will be in very advantageous position.

More freedom and more prosperity starts with education and insights.

These insights are what we empower our premium subscribers with to help them make more money, keep more of it, and protect themselves from out-of-control governments.

Our members learn advanced strategies to strengthen their Plan B’s…

Strategies like obtaining a second passport, establishing an offshore company or trust, foreign banking, and frontier investing.

We’ve packaged many of these solutions into the perfect place to get started:

A quick and easy “international diversification blueprint”.

It’s a collection of actionable videos and step-by-step guides to help you break free from a failing system so you can increase your liberty and protect yourself and your loved ones.

We’re calling this:

Sovereign Man: Explorer

And inside you'll get:
1. Build-Your-Plan B Video Series

You’ll get access to numerous videos showing you specific Plan B solutions.

These videos will give you step-by-step instructions and our vetted contact information to implement these strategies from the comfort of your own home.

You'll discover:

    1. How to Establish an Extremely Safe Offshore Bank Account.

    This simple step to store some of your savings in an offshore bank ensures that no matter what happens to the banks in your home country, you’ll have some money stashed away in a safe jurisdiction and a strong currency. 

    You'll get direct access to the Managing Director and CEO of two banks who will show you exactly how to open a bank account in two extremely safe jurisdictions (The Cook Islands and St. Lucia) in the currency of your choice. 

    Both banks have astounding levels of liquidity and are extremely well capitalized - they're literally over 20-TIMES stronger than the shaky Western banks that had to be bailed out just a few years ago.

    2. An Easy Way to Establish Residency Abroad and Qualify For a Second Passport Down the Road

    You’ll learn how you can easily acquire an official resident visa in Panama -- a thriving and exciting country.

    Having foreign residency has numerous benefits, including an easier way to open financial accounts, conduct business and invest in that country, taking advantage of the cheaper cost of living and other lifestyle opportunities if you decide to spend at least some time there, as well as potential tax benefits.

    Having a resident visa also ensures that you’ll always have a place to go if you decide it’s time to leave your home country.

    The best thing about having residency in Panama is that you don’t have to spend practically any time there in order to maintain your residency, which gives you a lot of flexibility.

    And after just 5 years, you can qualify to become a naturalized Panamanian citizen and get yourself another passport.

    3. Protect Your Precious Metals in One of the Safest Locations in the World

    Most precious metal storage providers are not even close to being secure.

    This company is unique, however. Their entire operation was designed to ensure that clients have complete insight into what’s going on with their bullion (including testing it with three different methods to verify it’s authenticity!) while maintaining their privacy.

    You’ll learn how you can move your existing bullion to one of the safest locations in the world (that almost nobody knows about), or buy new bullion and store it in their vaults.

    Plus, we'll show you a unique, peer-to-peer lending investment opportunity backed by gold!

    4. Ship Your IRA Overseas So That Your Retirement and Investments Are Safe From Your Home Government.

    When governments get strapped for cash, their go-to move is to reach for people’s retirement savings.

    It happens all the time, and it can happen surreptitiously by way of hidden clauses and fees that your retirement custodian (a.k.a. Big Wall Street Banks) will never tell you about.

    With the help of our tax attorneys, trust experts, and private bankers, you’ll learn how to take control of your IRA yourself, move it overseas, and secure your retirement fund.
    How much time do you have 
    before it's too late?

    Look, we don’t know if we have 3 years, 3 months, or 3 weeks. 

    We have no earthly idea. 

    But we do know there's a possibility that we could wake up tomorrow and the whole world could be changed. 

    And only those who took steps ahead of time will be in the advantageous position to ACT, not REACT. 

    That requires preparation. 

    It requires insights. 

    It requires measured, strategic action.

    And the good news is...
    Setting up your Plan B doesn't have to be hard OR time-consuming. 

    More freedom and more prosperity start with education and insights.

    These insights are what we empower our premium subscribers with to help them make more money, keep more of it, and protect themselves from out-of-control governments.

    Our members learn advanced strategies to strengthen their Plan B’s…

    Strategies like obtaining a second passport, establishing an offshore company or trust, foreign banking, and frontier investing.

    We’ve packaged many of these solutions into the perfect place to get started:

    A quick and easy “international diversification blueprint”.

    It’s a collection of insightful, actionable videos and step-by-step guides to help you break free from a failing system so you can increase your liberty and protect yourself and your loved ones.

    We’re calling this:

    Sovereign Man: Explorer (SMX)

    Sovereign Man: Explorer will deliver the insights and premium intelligence you need to clearly map out your strategic Plan B (and continually optimize it).

    You'll also get step-by-step instructions to immediately begin ticking boxes on your Plan B Checklist. 

    Just picture it...

    In just a few short weeks, you could have:

    A 100% legal foreign bank and/or brokerage account in a safe, well-capitalized institution...

    2. A foreign residency application process completed, waiting patiently for approval, which will mean you'll have somewhere to go no matter what happens next. Plus, after five years, you'll qualify for naturalization and a second passport while spending almost NO time in the country at all. 

    3. A portion of your savings diversified into precious metals, held overseas in one of the safest vaults in the world. 

    4. And most importantly: clarity for how to strategically, legally, and intelligently structure and implement your personal Plan B.

    Plus, inside Sovereign Man: Explorer you'll learn about ways to reduce, defer, and even ELIMINATE a substantial portion of your taxes.

    And as a bonus, you'll learn about investing in real estate in one of the most promising countries in the world, which is an excellent hedge against your exposure to your home country (plus, overseas real estate doesn't need to be reported). 

    On top of that, you'll get Weekly Intelligence Briefs on threats to your freedom as our team of researchers scour through hundreds of pages of new legislation, rules, and regulations.

    Plus, you'll get Explorer Monthly, a private dispatch from me as I travel the world (on average, over 40 countries per year) doing business, investing, exploring emerging markets, and establishing and maintaining important relationships.
    This information can literally make the difference between losing everything and achieving generational wealth.

    There's no doubt that some of the biggest benefits of SMX are peace of mind and freedom.

    The solutions found inside are worth tens of thousands when taking into consideration the amount of time and money spent to obtain the right information, fly around the world, meet the right contacts, establish the right relationships, and work with our legal team to ensure everything is 100% accurate, legal, and structured intelligently. 

    Beyond that, by getting started today you'll be taking action that will positively benefit generations of your loved ones... 

    ...Because of YOUR intelligent actions, you and your loved ones will weather any storm while building and maintaining a position of strength. 

    Frankly, by implementing just one of these strategies, you'll get multiples more value than the surprisingly low subscription price.

    When you implement several of these strategies, the peace of mind you'll experience will be priceless. 

    You'll sleep well at night knowing your freedom and your finances are safe and growing. 

    And of course, like everything we do, SMX is 100% risk-free and...
    Guaranteed to deliver results

    Take 30 days to review all of the videos, the downloads, the step-by-step instructions, the Weekly Intelligence Briefs, and your first issue of Explorer Monthly... 

    If you don't think everything is worth much, much more than the purchase price, simply let us know, and you'll receive a prompt and courteous, no-questions-asked refund.

    Though, I don't think that will be necessary...

    Because once inside, you'll discover you have the tools at your fingertips to drastically elevate your situation:

     - To immediately take intelligent steps to increase your freedom.

     - To protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangerous direction this world is heading...

    And to...
    Put yourself in a position of strength:

    ...to take advantage of the opportunities born out of this chaos and increase and your prosperity. 

    There are very few things in life that are risk-free...where there's incredible upside and absolutely zero downside risk. 

    This is one of them.

    Join me on the inside and take complete control of your freedom and prosperity today. 
      Take $50 off your SMC Membership during our 5-year anniversary celebration

      Plus, you get $342 of international diversification bonuses when you order before September 20th at Midnight

      Here's what you get when you activate your SMC subscription today:
      Sovereign Man: Confidential (6 month membership)
            Regular Price: $229

      Today's Price: $179
      (SAVE $50!)
      Free Bonus #1: Offshore
      Trust Kit      
      Regular Price: $295

      Today's Price: $0
      Free Bonus #2: Foreign
      Banking Black Paper
      Regular Price: $47  

      Today's Price: $0

      Regular Price: $571

      Today's Price: $179
      (save $392!)
      Total Regular Price: $571
      Your Price Today: $179 (save 69%)
      Get instant, risk-free access to 
      Sovereign Man: Explorer  today:
      You're protected by our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, simply email refunds@sovereignman.com within 30 days of purchase and we'll provide you with a prompt and courteous refund. 
      What Exactly Do I Get Inside SMX?
      1. Sovereign: Man Explorer  |  Plan B Video Series

      You’ll get access to a growing library of videos showing you exactly how and why to implement foundational Plan B solutions.

      These videos will give you step-by-step instructions and our vetted contact information to implement these strategies, some of which can be done from the comfort of your own home.

      You'll learn about:

      - How and where to protect a portion of your savings in a foreign bank account/brokerage account.

      - How to ensure you always have somewhere to go (just in case) with foreign residency and a second passport...

      - Our top recommendation for storing precious metals overseas, and how to get started immediately. 

      - Exactly what you need to intelligently create your Plan B.

      2. SMX Weekly Intelligence Brief

      The more you know about how the world is changing, the more you can do to protect yourself.

      Each day in the United States, there are hundreds of new pages of regulations. Of course, hardly any of this gets reported in the mainstream media.

      At Sovereign Man, we have a team of researchers who pour through these new regulations, laws, and proposed bills, and inform us and our members about the most important (and potentially the most devastating) to be aware of.

      For example - they were the first to discover the mandatory survey that every US Citizen who owns a foreign business needs to fill out...or face the penalty and get slapped with a fine.

      We were able to alert our members before the deadline to keep them out of hot water.

      Each week, you’ll receive an informative and often amusing SMX Intelligence Briefing of the most important new laws that have been proposed or enacted around the world.

      Think of it as your personal intelligence service, delivered straight to your inbox, so you can take action before it’s too late.
      3. Explorer Monthly (Private Dispatch)

      On average, I travel to over 40 countries per year...doing business, investing, exploring emerging markets, and establishing and maintaining important relationships.

      I keep such a grueling travel schedule to seek out opportunities for our community.

      Each month, I share the things I’ve been learning about and the opportunities I’m finding for you inside a monthly, member-only letter.

      Inside, you’ll get access to insights that are too personal or high-level to share in our Notes from the Field articles.
        Plus, you'll receive these bonuses FREE.
        Get a Sovereign Man Confidential
         Membership Today! 

        You're protected by our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, simply email clients@sovereignman.com within 30 days of purchase and we'll provide you with a prompt and courteous refund. 
        Take Action Today And Get These 5 Legendary Keynote Speeches 

        If you get started with Sovereign Man: Explorer today, you'll also get 5 keynote speeches from our live events in Chile and Mexico.

        Attending our seminars in person costs $2,000+, but you'll get to hear from our most celebrated speakers for FREE.
        Peter Schiff, Jim Rickards, Robert Kiyosaki, Ron Paul, and Tim Price delivering keynote speeches.
        You'll get each speech FREE when you get Sovereign Man: Explorer today.

        Keynote #1: Peter Schiff has a track record few can boast about. In this speech he shares his insights on how people in the U.S. can not only protect their assets, but PROFIT as the U.S. deteriorates.

        Keynote #2: Jim Rickards will share with you insights from his 35 years of experience as an investment banker on how to act as the continuing debasement of the world's major fiat currencies plays out.

        Keynote #3: Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad has taught millions of people how to escape the rat race. In this keynote speech, you’ll learn how to work the system to increase your wealth.

        Keynote #4: Ron Paul has spent decades in politics. He reveals the biggest threat facing ordinary people in the coming years and how to protect yourself from it.

        Keynote #5: Tim Price is an investment manager and editor of Price Value International. He unequivocally and wittingly shows how overpriced the bond and stock markets are in the West right now, and shares his personal value investing strategies so that you can come out on top.

        I’m committed to giving you everything you need to immediately begin protecting your hard earned wealth and increasing your personal freedom.

        About Your Editor-In-Chief: Simon Black
        My name is Simon Black.

        I'm the founder of Sovereign Man: Confidential, an international entrepreneur and investor, and a free man. 

        I travel the globe looking for personal and economic opportunities to enrich my life and the lives of our subscribers. 
        Simon Black at our Sovereign Man Offshore Tactics Workshop in Santiago, Chile, in 2013. with Peter Schiff, Nigel Farage, Ron Paul, Jim Rodgers, and Jim Rickards.
        Sometimes this means a great investment, an exciting business venture, beautiful places to live, or new relationships. 

        Prior to becoming an entrepreneur and investor, I graduated from West Point and became an Army Intelligence Officer. 

        After my time in the military, I became a permanent traveler.  

        That means I have no home, and I am free to move about the world at my discretion.

        I believe that my capability to make money and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle is not constrained by my geography. It’s not 1984 anymore.

        I’m a student of the world, and I believe that travel is the greatest teacher. 

        My knowledge is practical and hopefully of significant use to you. Off the top of my head I could quote you the price of beachfront property in Croatia, where to bank in Dubai, the best place to store gold in Singapore, which cities in Mexico are the safest, which hospitals in Asia are the most cost effective, and how to find condo foreclosure listings in Panama.

        I believe that in order to achieve true freedom, you have to make money independently, control your time, and eliminate the mindset that you are subject to a corrupt government that is bent on degrading your personal liberty.
        Plus, you'll receive $342 of Free Bonuses
        Only included during this LIMITED promotion:
        Get Instant Access To 
        Sovereign Man: Explorer Now! 
        I understand that I'll receive instant access to:
        • Sovereign Man Explorer - 12 Month Membership 
          • Sovereign: Man Explorer | Plan B Video Series
          • SMX Weekly Intelligence Briefing
          • Explorer Monthly (Private Dispatch)
          • And our growing library of bonus guides and videos...
          Price, if purchased separately: 
          Today's Price: $195
          You Save $270 (58%)
          This promotion has expired!
          This Product Includes a 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
          Take $50 off your SMC Membership during our 5-year anniversary celebration

          Plus, you get $342 of international diversification bonuses when you order before September 20th at Midnight

          Here's what you get when you activate your SMC subscription today:
          Sovereign Man: Confidential (6 month membership)
                Regular Price: $229

          Today's Price: $179
          (SAVE $50!)
          Free Bonus #1: Offshore
          Trust Kit      
          Regular Price: $295

          Today's Price: $0
          Free Bonus #2: Foreign
          Banking Black Paper
          Regular Price: $47  

          Today's Price: $0

          Regular Price: $571

          Today's Price: $179
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          Total Regular Price: $571
          Your Price Today: $179 (save 69%)
          You're protected by our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, simply email clients@sovereignman.com within 30 days of purchase and we'll provide you with a prompt and courteous refund. 
          Take $50 off your SMC Membership during our 5-year anniversary celebration

          Plus, you get $342 of international diversification bonuses when you order before September 20th at Midnight

          Here's what you get when you activate your SMC subscription today:
          Sovereign Man: Confidential (6 month membership)
                Regular Price: $229

          Today's Price: $179
          (SAVE $50!)
          Free Bonus #1: Offshore
          Trust Kit      
          Regular Price: $295

          Today's Price: $0
          Free Bonus #2: Foreign
          Banking Black Paper
          Regular Price: $47  

          Today's Price: $0

          Regular Price: $571

          Today's Price: $179
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          Total Regular Price: $571
          Your Price Today: $179 (save 69%)
          Activate Your Sovereign Man: Explorer Membership Today!
          You're protected by our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, simply email refunds@sovereignman.com within 30 days of purchase and we'll provide you with a prompt and courteous refund. 
          Frequently Asked Quesitons
          Am I locked into a subscription or can I cancel at any time?
          After you purchase Sovereign Man: Explorer, your membership is set to renew automatically after 12 months for the purchase price, but you can cancel the renewal at any time. 

          If you are unhappy with the content or you feel that the content is simply not the right thing for you, you can always get a refund up to 30 days from the date of purchase. 

          If you forget to cancel and your membership renews without you wanting to continue it, you can cancel and get a refund up to 30 days after the renewal.
          What is the price after 12 months?
          The renewal price of your Sovereign Man: Explorer membership is exactly the same as the initial price you are paying today. Even when we raise the price in the future, your savings will be locked in.
          What happens if the content is not right for me or I am not satisfied?
          If for ANY REASON you are not satisfied with what you will receive or if our content is just not the right thing for you, simply send us an email to refunds@sovereignman.com within 30 days and we will IMMEDIATELY refund you all your money NO QUESTIONS ASKED
          Do I need to be a high net worth individual to benefit from this?
          We cast a very wide net with the intelligence we provide. Some of the options cost nothing to take advantage of and can still give you tremendous peace of mind. 

          Clearly the more assets you have to protect, the more financial value you may derive. But the education you'll receive is priceless. And even if you're not quite at the financial level yet where you expect to be down the road, it certainly makes sense to start building your knowledge and your Plan B right now. 

          Of course, if you're not fully satisfied, you can always take advantage of our 'no questions asked' refund policy.
          Take $50 off your SMC Membership during our 5-year anniversary celebration

          Plus, you get $342 of international diversification bonuses when you order before September 20th at Midnight

          Here's what you get when you activate your SMC subscription today:
          Sovereign Man: Confidential (6 month membership)
                Regular Price: $229

          Today's Price: $179
          (SAVE $50!)
          Free Bonus #1: Offshore
          Trust Kit      
          Regular Price: $295

          Today's Price: $0
          Free Bonus #2: Foreign
          Banking Black Paper
          Regular Price: $47  

          Today's Price: $0

          Regular Price: $571

          Today's Price: $179
          (save $392!)
          Total Regular Price: $571
          Your Price Today: $179 (save 69%)
          Activate Your Sovereign Man: Explorer Membership Today!
          You're protected by our 30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, simply email refunds@sovereignman.com within 30 days of purchase and we'll provide you with a prompt and courteous refund. 
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